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Self Grade

self grading

grading rubric

0 = .00 work, but faking understanding/accomplishment
1 = .55 incomplete assignment, big gaps
2 = .75 meeting some objectives, multiple little gaps
3 = .85 meeting most objectives, one little gap
4 = .90 meeting all objectives
4+Mastered-Y = .95 exceeding all objectives, requires links and office hours verification

Hard Skills

Skill Mastered
Ratio Notes
Laptop Verification/ Cloud workspace Y 4 0.90 verify notebook
VSC Y 4 0.90 can open repo, run localhost server, make commits
Show VSC GitLens Y 4 0.90 git log commands: git pull/push, git log, git status, git commit
GitHub student_2025 repo Y 4 0.90 created portfolio_2025 template, and can pull/recieve changes from teacher
GitHub Pages Actions Y 4 0.90 can rerun old commits and look through issues in github
Hacks Tools & Equipment Play Y 3.8 0.88 Hacks
Hacks GitHub Pages Playground Y 3.8 0.88 Playground
Hacks SASS Basics Y 4 0.90 Theme
Hacks Frontend Y 4 0.90 Wireframe
Pair Programming Y 4 0.90 created team pages and collaberated on the hacks together
Total x 39.6 8.96
Average x 3.96 0.896

Soft Skills

Skill Mastered
Ratio Notes
Attendance Y 4 0.90 perfect atendence in the class, never late!
Work Habits Y 4 0.90 asks questions to understand stuff
Behavior Y 4 0.90 positive atitude!
Timeliness Y 3.8 0.88 finishes most work ontime
Tech Sense Y 3.9 0.89 understands basic coding knowlage
Tech Talk Y 4 0.90 can explain tech/code to other people good
Tech Growth Y 4 0.90 Learned a lot more about code and about the basic coding languadges
Advocacy Y 4 0.90 not afraid to ask for help from peers or teachers
Comm & Collab Y 4 0.90 good at collaberating and talking with my team
Integrity Y 4 0.90 not afraid to own up to mistakes or issues with code
Oganized Y 4 0.90 knows where all my repos are and where to find everyhing is github
Total x 43.7 9.87
Agerage x 3.97 0.897