Unit 1 / Week 1

monday - making new teacher/student repository on github and cloning it into vs code. (was not working)

tuesday - had strugles with cloning and using the repositories but got it fixed by asking teachers/peers and figuring out to fork the repository to have acsess

wenesday - Learning that index.md is the homepage. asking and searching how to code using markdown. starting to change theme and persoalize blog

thursday - learning to add images and how to resize them to prefered size (could not get commits to work)

friday - creating token to fix commiting problem and fixing up blog!

Learning outcome: learned how to code in markdown, how to change the theme off the webpage, and how to make and use token (solving problem with commits!)

Pair Planning Meeting

Update Blog to contain all hacks. Review week with Pair and look ahead and start plan for next week. Try to be done and learn your machine before Monday EOD.

  • A laptop, that you bring to class every day with ability to operate Development Tools on it or within the Cloud.
  • GitHub Account, VSCode will be used to push/pull changes. GitHub is where we store and share code in the cloud, think of Google Docs but for Code.
  • GitHub Pages will be used to host your personal blog: containing notes, answering hacks, and showing tangibles. Building pages will teach Markdown, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more.
  • Jupyter Notebooks will be used in conjunction with GitHub Pages to build running Code in your blog.
  • Slack Account, install the App on Laptop and/or phone, get used to reading announcements. Slack is the tool that we will use for messaging, we have been averaging 1000s of essages each year.
  • VSCode is the code editor we will be using in this class. VSCode is more than and editor, this type of tool is often called an Interactive Development Environment (IDE).
  • Run make commands to build and test blog locally, before pushing changes to GitHub pages.