Unit 1 / Week 2

monday - live review with teacher + adding and ajusting things on blog. (could not figure out how to upload newest version to github/was not syncing with githiub)

tuesday - (more live review with other students) asked for assistance with syncing to git. found out it was a build error. fixed error with help from peers!

wenesday - yay teacher. cloning in new and improved repository and moving old index.md and other tweeked files into new repository!

thursday - codded in the snake game and changed the background/border/snake color and added some personalized touches!

friday - preping blog for live review. Changing all tabs in the table and personalizing them to what I specificly learned/acomplished/my goals

Learning outcome: learned to add new things to the tables, code in the snake game, clone new repository/pull or push new files into it, edit the colors in css/html on snake game.