• Overall
  • Trimester 1 Game

    Tri1 Game

    Sprite Sheet


    Snake Game


    JS Calculator


    Ping Pong Game (tri2)

    ping Pong Game

    Mario Game (added level)

    summary of changes

    In the level four my mail focaus was to change the feeling of the level, and to make it look/stand out from the other levels.

    background & player

    To do this the first thing I did was change the background to an underwater theme my changing the img src, then I decided to create a new player and make it a fish to allow it to fit in with the background. I did this by editing gameSetup.js. I struggled getting the dimentions correrct because the sprite sheet was unevenly places, in the end I handmoved the sprites to allow it to work better, although that made the image a little blurry the frames looked a lot cleaner.

    Tube —> Portal

    Then I worked on changing the editing tube, I decided to take insperation from my begining tri2 game and re-add in a portal that matching the underwater background, with this I changed the space level background to make it seem as though you are entering and exiting a portal.

    new enemy

    My next focaus was with the enemy, I decided to create a new enemy instead of keeping the simple goomba, I made it so that every so often the enemy speeds up like it did in the game levels from the begining of the trimester.


    finally I needed to change the platforms. Originall I was going to add little clouds, but I landed on bubbles to fit the underwater theme. I changed the image and dimentions to fit and imputed it into gameSetup.js.


    Overall I had a lot of fun working on this project, I was able to create a new game level and make it look and feel like a diffrent part of the game not just a duplicate of the level before it! I feel that at the begining of the trimester I would not have been able to comeplete this projet but now I feel much more confident in my skills.